Your gifts matter to God. Whether natural abilities, special skills, or financial resources, when you invest these gifts, it makes a difference in people’s lives.
Giving reflects the very character and nature of God. It also reveals our deepest values and priorities.
At Ingalls Creek, we believe everyone has gifts to share! Whether in the form of volunteer work with a ministry program or site improvement, or making a financial investment, your gifts serve others, sustain the ministry, and shape what’s possible. In all of this, we say “Thank You!”

Giving Menu
Sustaining Gifts – your donations support week by week ministry and operational services
Capital Gifts – your donations support major facility and grounds improvements
Program Gifts – your donations underwrite/sponsor the cost of a specialized ministry program
Ingalls Creek Legacy Fund – add to a permanent endowment, which grows financial principal and makes annual percentage disbursements for organizational use.